March 2020 we all discover confinement together.

In December 2020 we innocently witnessed the birth of a global health crisis in Wuhan, China.

The world of VTC drivers has taken a big hit, nearly 50% of VTC drivers have partially or definitively withdrawn. It must be said, we did not leave the hostel because even the giants of the sector took a hit.

It will certainly be difficult, we will leave feathers there, but the main thing is to hang on, hold on and get through the crisis. The more daring will be rewarded with the new opportunities that the end of the epidemic portends. In the meantime, therefore, we will have to work hard and develop a recovery plan for the post-covid 19 period.

We must understand that the world as we have known it in the past will never be as it is, the health crisis will pass but many aspects of our life, the economy, our relationships with our loved ones will not can no longer become as before. Among the barrier gestures , the mask, the social distancing … They are habits with which we must learn to live. We insist, come out masked!

For us VTC drivers , the requirement is even higher. To avoid any risk of contamination and above all to reassure our customers, we are committed to:

  • Stay by your side and operational for all your needs
  • Train our drivers to respect barrier gestures
  • Disinfect our vehicles completely after each race

For the 60,000 VTC drivers registered in the national register of VTC drivers, this is a drop in activity of around 70% compared to last year, so when we decide to fight we do it well and we will get up !

All together !

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